Friday, May 7, 2010

epidural care... freshers beware!

3rd year made its debut with promises of more leisure time and academics. Earnest attempts at managing to not hog the limelight when question hour began amidst busy OT schedule were disastrous given the relentless perseverance that the consultants had to somehow drill the volatile gambit of knowledge into our proverbial thick skulls.

A refreshing change amidst dodging the bullets was the entry of the new recruits, the freshers or first years. Eager eyes waiting to rip out from obstinate restraints called eyelids perched on perky noses with an air of accomplishment about them is how the new debutants presented themselves. A deluge of icu postings managing to curb the enthusiasm a wee bit, gas science still meant an entirely unknown world. Having gone through the same drill 2 years back, fresh faces for us meant more fun and more comrades to aid epidural care and follow ups.

Shoving a thin plastic fiber down a patient’s spine in the name of epidural anesthesia meant a painless bump on the back for the patient and a pain in the neck for juniors. Having attended calls of epidural emergencies at weird hours courtesy ridiculously impossible senior residents made first yearship a roller coaster ride for sure. The subtle training for epidural care usually began with the inevitable quiz on morphine and epidural analgesia. Once the importance of respiratory depression was well advocated (misconstrued fact as I am yet to see one), we were awarded the prestigious role of maintaining epidurals!

Novel yet implausible ideas such as connecting all epidurals to one giant console within reach to automated telepathic bolus injections were contemplated over tea breaks and ration time during our ritual tea club ceremonies.

Till we imbibe better post op facilities to aid continuous epidural techniques and beyond, here is me wishing all freshmen a safe epidural passage through the first year!
