Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Innovation : route to salvation!

Utilizing resources to the maximum (abusing them at times) is fine talent we imbibe as residents in a government setup . Tedious tenders denying basic equipment seem more of an annoyance than a problem given the way  daily supplies excuse themselves promptly venturing into oblivion!
The only 2 entities that never get into the top 10 list of NA (not available) are Doctors and the Diseased. The innovative mind becomes a blessing when faced with shortage of drugs or equipment due to administrative incompetence or the abject poverty that patients seem to be blessed with. Me designing a CVP manometer out of 3 IV lines and a Three way to monitor CVP for a poor critically ill patient is a memorable high in my short stint as a fresher. When we looking around for smart thinking, each cadre in the hospital workforce  has something to offer be it trivial or not.
A sweeper having to do without a pickup and dusting pan picking up infected waste with just a broom still comes to mind. Rather than sweeping it all around town, he used gloved hands to use the broom as a modified chopstick to pick it up effortlessly to transfer it to the designated bin. Move into the wards and we see cartons doubling up as elevation for propping head ends of beds up as the complex automated machinery working the beds,procured at mind numbing prices, have gone kaput thanks to overzealous use. Nails drilled into the walls doubling up as IV stands, padded cardboard substituting efficiently for arm rests, freshers working as educated monitors are common yet effective innovations.
Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye..says Shakespeare in Love's Labours Lost.the most uncanny of innovations happened in the operating room where the maintenance folk were short on protective footwear. IV tubing, ryle tube and extension lines post expiry were tested for use as binding twine and there was born a unique slipper with sleek fasteners! My surgeon friend bringing it to everyone’s notice sure made it surface on the blog!
Till we get tired of making ridiculously helpless  situations look humorous and interesting, here is me signing off hoping to be a serious nut as the American entrepreneur and the co-founder and CEO of Oracle corporation Larry Ellison puts it.. When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you you're nuts!

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