Saturday, February 13, 2010

To be or not to be: a gloved dilemma

Cozy entity of variable sizes shielding our evolved paws; gloves do come handy in asepsis and fun.

My first encounter with this simple yet complicated adage was in undergrad when I had to assist in an open cholecystectomy. After the ceremonial wash, I was asked to get decked up to be an assistant. Gown yanked over me by the OT nurse, I set out to wear this flimsy material the right way! Copying each detail to perfection after 4 failed attempts at the right technique, my short lived elation at conquering the non latex world was interrupted by the head surgeon who handed me the liver retractor. What the surgeons managed to fiddle with, at the depths of a black hole beneath the liver, still beats me. Ok,I knew it was the gall bladder and I knew it had a pebble in it and I knew it had to be taken out…yes… but the metal hands worked in a hole while all I could see was a retractor over a liver making my job a tad boring.

Over the next agonizingly long hour riddled with frequent orders to retract the liver well, I couldn’t help but move into my own realm of my new friendship…sterile gloves. Me judging its stretch ability was interrupted by the surgeon’s irritated look into my eyes as if to say, “will you please focus!”.The surgery ended with fixing the patient’s abdomen sans the dud of a bladder.

Internship provided so many gloved moments in catherization to blood work to wound dressings etc. The second skin we wore on, was actually fun!

Cut back to anesthesia as a fresher… elective OT. Challenges in terms of oral secretions, lignocaine jelly, plaster, dynaplast proved tough to get past. Airway device secured, I was asked to fix it over the mouth with medical grade adhesive tape. Yanking at my gloves and on the plaster, the tough ordeal was somehow completed amidst smiles and comments from my seniors. “Next time”, the head told me, “take your gloves off during fixation.”

Another life changing moment happened after an awareness week about hospital waste management. We were asked to minimize the pairs of gloves used each day. A consultant coming up with this brilliant idea of tucking the still in use pair of gloves onto the waist belt led to unbelievable scenes. Moments of pure horror filled our daily monitoring duties.. Pair of gloves tucked under waist belts of well endowned roly poly horizontally unchallenged waists undulating in synchrony with the blips and beeps! Add to this, the dexterity required in wearing used gloves, obtaining palmar exercises in our daily schedule and we had our hands full for sure.

A mundane thing such as a glove can’t be so interesting to talk about! u say.. Ask an anesthetist and thy shall be amazed. Seniors get a kick out of quizzing juniors now, don’t they? “Should u wear 2 pairs of gloves on to finish with painting and draping before spinals?” they ask. Wearing one pair ceases to be aseptic and wearing 2 holds potential for talc induced meningitis! Think about the glove decked gyrating hips or the praying mantis pose of sterile gloved hands or perennial questions we endure and you will agree with me.

To all those gloved hands, me signing off two were so meant to be!

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